Monday, September 14, 2009

Leave The Chocolate Here

Finally!!! The time has come for my promise to be carried out!! I shall finally let out the pics of my Labor Day Weekend!! Well, the ones I took with my phone at least.... More may be coming in the near future... [;

Here's the water... :P Plain and simple.. It looked ishy :l
Here's more water... And part of the dock I was standing
when I took these day photos!!! :D It like... Had turns and
Stuff.... Tehe.. [:

I thought this looked really nice.. Just lookin'
out across the water.. c:

I liked that cloud.. ;P It seemed pretty secluded
from the other larger clouds.. /:

And this was just another really nice view of another cloud
I happened to see.. [:

:o This made me think of the 1st HP movie when I saw how it
turned out after takin' the pic.. :D

That's a cobweb [: Outside of the bathrooms.. It was a
huge web!! But you can't really tell from the pic.. ]:

Here's some pictures of the fire
Heh.. [; This is where we sat at night when it was REALLY cold.. I slept outside one of those nights, and after the fire went out I had to wrap up in like... 3 blankets ;P lol

This is one of the candles we lit... :P
I liked it.. Not really. But I wanted
to see how it would look on camera
These are some flowers we had on our
picnic table.. I used a flash light so I could
take the picture.. Heheh [:

A rock!!! It looks pretty small actually..
In the picture..? But it was actually like..
my size almost :o I hid behind and scared
my little sister.. Shhh! [:

Aaaaand that was the speed limit through
the camp grounds [: I broke the law whenever
I would run through 'cuz 5 miles an hour is
REALLY slow -_-

This is the sign, outside the bathrooms ;P
I thought it was funny that they had to put
that outside the area with toilets and showers.
I spose they weren't so much worried about a
fire as the smell lingerin'... There were NO windows
in those restrooms. So all the steam built up and stuff...

This is the playset at the McDonald's we ate at
before leaving the town where the camp was by [:
The playset didn't have the normal rules restricting
older people from running around inside. Sooo...
I relived some childhood memories [:

Another view.. From INSIDE the playset

And again... :P

And me, creepin' on my little sister goin' down
the slide.. :P Then I chased her down and stole her
toy [; Just kiddin'... [:

And that's part of my Labor Day Weekend for you!! :D Once I get those other pics, I can put them up and tell you all 'bout my kayakin' adventures!!! :D
Welp. Homework time :P I need to start doin' this crap sooner.. -_- Ah well... I got to be with Shelbi all day.. [: And Elias (: And I'm gonna get to see Shelbi tomorrow too!! :D Hopefully she actually comes down here... Then we could actually get some decent time alone together... [; A'ight...
Peace out friends [:

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